Friday, October 20, 2006

fish are now 3 again

As you may know we were down to one gold fish, the others passed away awhile ago. But that is no more, we now are back to three. We had to get a new filter and while at the store dathen insitsed on getting more fish for his fish to have friends. He picked one and he let his brother pick the other. Kyler just banged on the glass but dathen said he was picking the red and white one, so that is what we got. now they are home he well he could care less, untill its tank cleaning time. Then he loves to catch them in the net and play with them while I clean the tank. By playing with them I mean he gets them to swim though the lop of the net handle. He makes them swim up to his hand, he plays hide and sike. Its really funny to watch, hide and seak is when he puts a face cloth in the water and "hides" the fish. Poor things how they servie him I don't know.

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