Sunday, December 11, 2005

new day new technology

well with the petursson family now sperated by a 2 hour drive, and the phone is so hard to use I thought I would try this "blog" thing. i will be trying to updated it regularly, once a week at lest for friends and family who can not afford to call me everyday. Or who just don't want to hear my voice :)
For today i am happy to say Dathen has put himself to bed to night. He had a choice of bath or bed and he picked bed. So off he went with cars in hand. I told him i did not care if he played with his cars but he had to stay in bed because that was what he picked to do. I turned on his christmas tree (yes he has a christmas tree of his own) and left the room, and well that was 1/2 hour ago and he is now sound asleep. He is growing up. This week my plain is to work on potty training, we will see how it goes.
Kyler is a happy little guy, he loves his jolly jumper! at lest 20 min a day and that is a long time for a 3month old. I can not leave him to jump yet he does not have that much controll, but its coming. He also is sleeping in his room and falling asleep on his own. About an hour after we get up in the morning he wants to lie in his crib watch his fish and falls asleep, with no crying or fussing. At night how ever he wants to be rocked to sleep.
Kev is loving the job, I can't say what he does really all I know is that he likes the people and what ever it is they are getting him to do. We both feel that this was a great choice for our family.

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