Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Holoween

Well its here and we are all excited! Trick-r-treat time. We have made our plan got our costumes and hope the weather will be good. Dathen is very excited, I hope we don't go for 2 1/2 hours like last year but I'll keep up with him as long as he wants. Kyler will walk for some of it too, but then he will be in the stroller.
Kyler is working of 2 more teeth this week. And some how dathen feels more grown up to me. I don't know how he just does. Kyler has started to pay attenchen to the tv for min or so now,his favorit part is turning it off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for Kyler. Turn that darn TV off Kyler and get a good book :)

Dathen is feeling grown up because he is getting there too darn fast. Enjoy every second with them because next thing you know they will be saying good bye as they leave for school. IT HAPPENS JUST TOO FAST!