Saturday, November 18, 2006

Dathens kid party

Will we did it and are still here to talk about it. Dathen had his 4th birthday party today. 9 kids (ages 1-5) and 8 adults. One of those adults was hiered help. Which I will be doing again!! It went really well, and a big thanks goes to Subrena who was my extra eyes and hands today. And to my mom how though years of home parties left me with ideas and the know how of planning. I think it went well there was little down time for the kids, and Dathen did not cry (always a good sign). We had a pinyta, a scavnger hunt, games, cake and ice cream, gifts, face making, more games out side., then home time. In all it lasted 2 hours, I put on the invite 21/2 but 2 was good. Then kids seemed to have a good time, and the parents did what i expected, not much. I knew the more parents we got together the less the kids would be watched, and that is why I hiered help. I am not saying I am not one of those parents who was not watching there kids, no in fact i said from the start I was worried Kyler would get missed in all the action. But all went well, no big problems, one spilt juice on cloths but that was not a problem we had the same size to change into, (next year we will do juice boxes). Moving the furnature was a great idea! made lots of room and the kids could move around and toss ballons in the air. I would have more games planed, it was hard to think of them on the spot, so maybe just a list of options.
Dathen got lots of cool gifts a knight set with castel, more geotrax (mom and dad), hot wheels, a police car, and a marble rollercoaster set. All very cool and fun!
But I do have a cold so I should go. night all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now you have the experience to move from dogs to being a child care worker!! :)