(Just a few of many)
So you may not know this but I currently have 17 rabbits in my yard. Why you ask because I have a soft heart and could not let them just die. A friend on mine got her self into a situation where she could no longer look after her breeding rabbits. And she had to leave them right away, so there was no one to look after them.
So being the animal lover that I am I went out to her farm making 3 trips in total to get them and and there house back here. We only lost one in the days of no one there to look in on them ,I am proud to say.
Now is the task of looking for homes for 16 Holland Lop rabbits. I was giving them away to anyone who would take one. But I had no takers. I put them on the web in 3 different places, e-Brandon, swap and shop, used Winnipeg (which had other holland lops listed for $65), and a free Brandon site.
How ever I am glade to say I found homes for all of them. Thanks for my new neighbor, who had that great idea of calling a petting farm. So I did and found one that will take them ALL this Sunday. I just have to get them there.
In them mean time the boy have pick 2 different rabbits other then the first one we had to keep. The first peter was really hairy (that is why he was given to me) But I just could not keep up with it and that cats and dog hairs. So I told the boys they could trade one (peter#1) for 2 (peter#2, they kept the name) and another. Thankfully they went for that.
very cool.
help me.
help me?
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