Saturday, March 28, 2009

Things just don't last like they used to


Once upon a time about 34 years ago a little boy and his parents went to the Calgary Stamped. They saw all the sights and eat all the bad food and then the little boy was thirsty. His mom found a place that sold slush drinks, which the little boy loved, and they came in these cute little cups shaped like a cowboy boot. The dad looked at the price of the drink then the price of the drink in the cup and was out raged that they would charge that much. After all it was just a plastic cup that would not last a month at home. But after the little boy looked at his daddy and said a very sweet "Please" like only a 2 year old can, he pulled out his wallet and handed the vendor his last $10 bill. With a sigh he handed his little boy the drink.
Well for days later the little boy loved his cup and used it everyday. Days turned into months and months into years. Finally 9 years later, after a move to a new city and addition of a little sister the little boy was to old to enjoy the cup so he so graceful handed it to his sister so she could delight in using it. And she did for days, which tuned into months and then years.
One day the cup was put in the back of the cupboard and forgotten. They all used big people glasses now. But then little cousins would come over and it would get pulled out just for them so they could feel special too.
And now after34 years of use, dish washers, drops and bumps, kool-aid and milk this $10 over priced cup is still being used!! The only show of wear is now the spur in the back is broken off. But that is all!!! the color is still great, the details are still there and it looks great. My kids now use it everyday if not twice a day and always fight over it. We have to remember who had it last and take turns with it.
So to that dad (Grandpa Pratt) so long ago who thought he was over paying for a drink that would be gone and forgotten in the week we say Thank-You for spending the little extra and finding a family heirloom.
They really just don't make things to last like this anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you would never think how much fun the whole family would have with the cup.